49 Henry Street, Saratoga Springs, NY, 12866-3271
(518) 584-7860 • Fax: (518) 584-7866 • www.sspl.org
Library Board of Trustees
Regular Meeting of the Board of Trustees
Monday, September 18, 2023
Meeting Called to Order at 5:00 PM
Saratoga Springs Public Library Board of Trustees
Regular Meeting, 5PM September 18, 2023
Meeting Minutes
Kathleen Capelli, Frank Brady, Heather Crocker, Carol Daggs, Terence Diggory, Nancy Luther, Issac (Ike) Pulver, Eric Blackman, Jean Fei, Catherine Brenner, Jamie Chabot, Jennifer Ferriss, Don Flinton, Kelly McCombs, Trevor Oakley, Tonya Faiola
Denise Feltes, Ric Taras
I. Call to Order at 5:03PM
II. Approval of July Meeting Minutes – Heather made a motion to approve the minutes. Carol seconded. All in favor. Minutes approved.
III. Approval of Expenditures (See Exhibit I) –
A. July Prepaid Checks 71354 to 71358 totaling $6,507.42
B. August Pre-Paid Checks 71459-71461 & 71462 totaling $7,423.72
C. August Warrants/Checks 71360 to 71452 totaling $177,462.81
D. September Warrants/Checks 71463-71546 totaling $138,993.41
E. Supplemental Check 71547 totaling $3,722.27
Terry moved to approve; Jean seconded. All in Favor. Expenditures approved.
IV. Approval of Financial Reports –
A. July and August Pre-Paids and August and September Warrant Summary Sheet (Exhibit I)
B. Budget Report - (Exhibit II)
C. Income Report - (Exhibit III)
D. Gifts - Nothing to Report
Heather moved to approve the financial reports; Frank seconded. All in favor. All Reports approved.
V. President’s Report – Katie discussed that Saratoga Book Festival dates are Oct. 12-15, and the NYLA conference will be here in Saratoga in November.
VI. Public Comment - None
VII. Correspondence and Communication
A. Thank you card from Mary White- The card was passed around for the trustees to read.
VIII. Director’s Report -
A. Director’s Written Report (Exhibit V) - Ike discussed the annual Fall Staff Development Day that is scheduled for Friday, September 22. He also discussed that there will be a meeting on October 2 with the architects to get the Space/Master Planning Project underway.
B. Department Reports (Exhibit VI) -
1. Jen F (Asst. Director) - Jen discussed her appointment to Saratoga Springs Climate Smart Task Force as of September 7, 2023. Also, she announced her appointment as Chair of a small group that identifies grant recipients for programs observing Banned Books Week.
2. Don (IT) - Don discussed how the Wi-Fi update is nearly complete. They are still working on finding an affordable solution for remote printing. Since the public launch of the new SSPL website, work has been primarily focused on identifying and fixing issues and errors discovered under actual usage. Service desk replacement of aged out computers is impending; the new units are on order and the replacement process will begin shortly after they arrive.
3. Trevor (Access and Outreach Services)- Trevor gave a recap on the Mobile Library Pilot Project. He also discussed E-audiobook usage is surging. While e-audiobooks are the most expensive files to lease/purchase from Overdrive, the numbers suggest that adding more e-audios to the library’s collection may be necessary to both meet and drive demand in our digital lending.
4. Catherine (Youth Services)- Catherine discussed their success with the summer programs. She wanted to give a huge thanks to AnnaRae who has invested a huge amount of time in making this program meaningful and engaging with the volunteers.
5. Jamie (Adult Services)- Jamie discussed the success they had with their summer programs. Our librarian Katie worked together with youth services to present a scavenger hunt program to our patrons of all ages. This got patrons visiting areas of the library they may not typically frequent.
6. Ric (Operations)- In Ric’s absence, Ike discussed the operations department has been working extremely hard to tune-up the outside of the facility.
7. Kelly (Human Resources) - Kelly discussed that we are finally at a point where we don’t have any current openings that we are trying to fill. Outside of those tasks, she has been kept busy with some Employee Navigator/Paychex integration issues. She also expressed that she is much looking forward to attending a few seminars hosted by Bond, Schoeneck, & King Attorneys next month, along with attending NYLA for the very first time.
IX. Special / Committee Reports - None
X. Unfinished Business- None
XI. New Business-
A. Presentation from Sara Dallas, Director of Southern Adirondack Library System - Sara discussed her gratitude for our staff and how hard we work. She also explained that NY State Education requires all public library trustees to take two continuing education classes and she will help as much as possible with that. Given the upsurge in book-banning efforts nationwide, all libraries need to review policies and procedures to prepare for possible challenges. SALS offers a list of talking points to assist in this preparation.
B. Requests to Appoint:
a. Robert Peck, Building Maintenance Worker, (P/T), effective July 24, 2023.
b. Jodi Stevens, Library Shelver, (P/T), effective August 24, 2023.
c. Alexandra Stirpe, Librarian I, Youth Services (F/T), effective August 28, 2023.
d. Tonya Faiola, Senior Account Clerk (F/T), effective September 5, 2023.
e. Kristine Schultz, Librarian I, Youth Services (F/T), effective September 6, 2023.
f. Abigail Silin, Library Computer Clerk, (P/T), effective September 21, 2023.
Katie moved to appoint all positions; Frank seconded. All in favor. All positions approved.
C. Discussion of By-Laws/Public Comment Policy (Exhibit VII)- Discussed revising policy and changing the placement of public comments in the order of business. All agreed the policy needs editing and this will be further discussed at the next board meeting.
D. Proposed revision of Library Assistant Civil Service Job Specification (Exhibit VIII) - Discussion of the Minimum Qualification to add graduation from a regionally accredited or New York State registered master's degree program in a field or profession related to the programs and services of the Saratoga Springs Public Library.
Terry made a motion to approve the changes. Heather seconded. Six votes in favor; Jean abstained. Motion approved.
XII: Adjournment of Regular Meeting at 6:44 PM followed by Executive Session to Discuss a Particular Legal Matter.
Respectfully submitted by:
Tonya Faiola, Senior Account Clerk
Saratoga Springs Public Library
Board of Trustees Executive Session
September 18, 2023
PRESENT: Frank Brady, Kathleen Capelli, Carol Daggs, Heather Crocker, Terence Diggory, Jean Fei, Nancy Luther, Ike Pulver
Call to Order: 6:46 PM
A particular legal matter was discussed.
Meeting Adjourned at: 6:57 PM
Respectfully submitted by:
Terence Diggory, Board Secretary