49 Henry Street, Saratoga Springs, NY, 12866-3271
(518) 584-7860 • Fax: (518) 584-7866 • www.sspl.org
Library Board of Trustees
Organizational and Regular Meetings of the Board of Trustees
Monday, July 10, 2023
Kathleen Capelli (by videoconference), Frank Brady, Heather Crocker, Terence Diggory, Jean Fei, Nancy Luther, Issac (Ike) Pulver, Eric Blackman, Jamie Chabot, Jennifer Ferriss, Don Flinton, Kelly McCombs, Ric Taras
Carol Daggs, Catherine Brenner, Trevor Oakley, Denise Feltes
Meeting Called to Order at 5:04 PM
The Board of Trustees of the Saratoga Springs Public Library will hold a meeting on Monday, July 10, 2023 5 pm, at Saratoga Springs Public Library, H. Dutcher Community Room, 49 Henry Street, Saratoga Springs NY 12866, with one trustee participating via videoconferencing from 34 Strawson Road, Vinalhaven, ME 04863
Per the policy of the Board, videoconferencing will be available to enable attendance of trustees and public access to the open meeting. The public can view the meeting by clicking the following link: https://www.sspl.org/about/be-involved/library-board/
I. Call to Order 5:04 PM
II. Oath of Office for Katie Capelli as re-elected Board member
Katie has signed the Oath and sent it to the library.
III. Election of Officers
A. President—Frank nominated Katie Capelli; Jean seconded. All in favor. Katie elected.
B. Vice President—Frank nominated Heather Crocker; Nancy seconded. All in favor. Heather elected.
C. Secretary—Frank nominated Terry Diggory; Heather seconded. All in favor. Terry elected.
IV. Annual Trustee Code of Ethics and Conflict of Interest Policy Attestation and Statement—Documents distributed for Board member signatures.
V. Meeting and Holiday Schedule for FY 2023-24 and CY 2024
Katie requested that the dates for Saratoga Book Festival (Oct. 13-15, 2024) be included in the list of Other Notable Dates.
Heather moved to approve the proposed schedule; Jean seconded. Schedule approved.
Meeting Adjourned at: 5:10 PM
I. Call to Order 5:10 PM
II. Approval of June Minutes: Public Hearing, Regular Meeting and Executive Session – Nancy made a motion to approve the minutes. Frank seconded. All in favor. Minutes approved.
III. Approval of Expenditures
A. June Pre-Paid Checks 71237 to 71241 totaling $8,795.42
B. July Warrants/Checks 71242 to 71353 totaling $211,645.17
Terry moved to approve; Heather seconded. Expenditures approved.
IV. Approval of Financial Reports
A. June Pre-Paids and July Warrant Summary Sheet (Exhibit I)
B. Budget Report - (Exhibit II)
Eric requested that $1,700 be reallocated from Retirement (60012-1) to Professional Services (60045-1).
C. Income Report - (Exhibit III)
D. Gifts - Nothing to Report
Terry moved to approve Financial Reports, including the reallocation noted under B above; Jean seconded. Reports approved.
V. President’s Report
Saratoga Book Festival dates are Oct. 13-15, 2024 (as noted in Organizational Meeting). Ribbon cutting for new Friends Coffee Shop is July 12 at 11:30 AM; Trustees are encouraged to attend. Sara Dallas, SALS director, will attend the September Board meeting. Katie shared her excitement at the launch of the new library website.
VI. Public Comment—none
VII. Correspondence and Communication—Letter from T-Mobile giving notice of termination of lease for cell tower space on library roof (see below under Director’s Report)
VIII. Director’s Report
A. Director’s Written Report—Referring to his written report, Ike explained the notice received from T-Mobile (included in Board packet) about termination of their lease for cell tower space on the library roof as of February 29, 2024. They are consolidating cell tower sites after a merger with Sprint. The library may expect to receive proposals from other companies for leasing the site on the roof. Ike highlighted the opening of the new Friends Coffee Shop and the submission of a proposal in the Saratoga Springs Participatory Budgeting process (a bench with solar-powered charging stations). Special thanks to Jamie Chabot for her work on that proposal. Heather explained that the public will be invited to vote on proposals in December. In response to questions from Board members, Ike provided details regarding the fentanyl test strips that have been left in the Henry Street entryway for anyone to pick up. The strips were provided by County Health Department to SALS, which in turn distributed them to libraries. There was a suggestion of offering the public a list of where the strips are available.
B. Department Reports—Highlights from written reports provided by department heads present
1. Jenn F. (Asst. Director): Flu clinic scheduled for September may include COVID boosters. Jenn has been asked to join the Saratoga Springs Climate Smart Task Force. She is grateful for the opportunity to attend the ALA Annual Conference in June. SSPL will participate in the Memory Project, dealing with the history of the Holocaust. A display board and video access are provided. Hope to connect with schools during the time they are studying the Holocaust in March.
2. Don (IT) offered special thanks to Brendon Kozlowski for successful launch of the new library website. WiFi update is nearly complete. Still working on finding affordable solution for remote printing. A new AI image creator outside the Teen Room should help to keep the library “hip and happening.”
3. Youth Services: in Catherine’s absence, Jenn responded to a question regarding the remote component of the Summer Reading program: ReadSquared software allows participants to log their time from home rather than coming into the library (time logged earns rewards).
4. Jamie (Adult Services) noted her department is also offering a summer reading program, with rewards in the form of seed packets. Theme is All Together Now (let’s be sustainable).
5. Ric (Operations) noted restroom flooding and a broken bearing on one of the new HRU motors as low points in an otherwise upbeat report.
6. Kelly (Human Resources) reported that canvassing results on the open Librarian I position have been received. Interviews are being scheduled for the Principal Account Clerk position. The new Paychex payroll program is going well, with Kelly completing required trainings.
IX. Special / Committee Reports-- none
X. Unfinished Business
A. Investment Policy Revision and Implementation Strategy
Eric reviewed the draft revision in the Board packet and noted a few additional corrections of typographical errors. The main substantive change is in section VII. Designation of Depositories. Terry made a motion to approve the proposed revisions and the corrections Eric had noted; Heather seconded; motion approved.
After further discussion, Frank moved to further amend the first sentence in section IX with the addition of language underlined here: “the Saratoga Springs Public Library authorizes the Treasurer, with the express approval of the Library Director and Board President, to invest moneys not required for immediate expenditure …” Heather seconded Frank’s motion. Motion approved.
As implementation strategy, Katie moved:
1) that sums of up to $500,000 may be committed to CD’s in the designated depositories if the CD rate of return exceeds the money market rate by at least 2%;
2) that the term of such CD’s is not to exceed one year;
3) that paperwork enabling purchase of such CD’s may be prepared in advance in order to take full advantage of market timing.
Frank seconded Katie’s motion. Motion approved.
B. Parking Lot
Katie reported on her recent conversations with the Mayor’s Office and City Attorney Tony Izzo. Mr. Izzo advised that there should not be a problem with establishing the joint Library and City Parking Regulation Board proposed in the original parking lot agreement of 1992, but that Katie should consult with the Office of the Commissioner of Public Safety, as parking issues fall under their purview. Katie is now waiting to hear from a representative of Public Safety.
XI. New Business
A. Cell Tower Lease—Discussed under Director’s Report
B. Friends Coffee Shop Grand Opening—Discussed above under President’s and Director’s Reports
C. City of Saratoga Springs Participatory Budgeting Submission—Discussed above under Director’s Report
Meeting Adjourned at: 6:29 PM
There will be no Board meeting in August.
The next Board meeting will be held on September 18.
Respectfully submitted by:
Terence Diggory, Board Secretary