49 Henry Street, Saratoga Springs, NY, 12866-3271
(518) 584-7860 • Fax: (518) 584-7866 • www.sspl.org
Library Board of Trustees
Regular Meeting of the Board of Trustees
Monday, April 11, 2022
Frank Brady, Janet Lindner, Heather Crocker, Katie Capelli, Jean Fei, Terence Diggory, Jennifer Ferriss, Jennifer Ogrodowski, Kelly McCombs, Don Flinton, Ric Taras, Ike Pulver, Eric Blackman, Sue Pettit
Denise Feltes, Carol Daggs, Catherine Brenner
Meeting Called to Order at 5:00 PM
APPROVAL OF THE MARCH MEETING MINUTES: Motion made by Katie Capelli and second by Heather Crocker to approve the meeting minutes of the March Board Meeting. All in favor. Motion carries.
APPROVAL OF EXPENDITURES: Motion made by Terence Diggory and second by Katie Capelli to approve the March Pre-Paid checks #69870 & 69873 totaling $279.75 and the April Warrants #69876-69960 totaling $131,858.74. All in favor. Motion carries.
APPROVAL OF FINANCIAL REPORTS: Several questions were asked concerning the Budget Report. A brief discussion followed. Motion made by Katie Capelli and second by Frank Brady to approve the March Pre-Paids, April Warrant Summary Sheet, Budget Report and Income Report. All in favor. Motion carries.
CORRESPONDENCE AND COMMUNICATION: Frank Brady and all members of the Board received a letter from Linda Stiles concerning a meeting room booking that violated library policy since Ms. Stiles's organization was not a non-profit. Frank responded to her correspondence, explained the policy and sent it to her.
Director’s Written Report:
- Watching the Community transmission for COVID. The community level is up right now.
- The reopening of the Tree House Room is on hold
- Primarily, children’s programming is being held outside
- Policy Review and Potential Changes: a lengthy discussion, will be brought back for discussion at the next meeting
- vacation and sick leave, should it all be credited as it is now, every 6 months or change to an accrual system where it would be earned on a monthly basis.
- should an employee accrue vacation and sick time while out on Paid Family Leave
Department Reports: were discussed
Jennifer Ogrodowski spoke of some highlights on her report:
- the one-on-one device and computer help is very popular.
- Caitlin Sheldon is working on a video that gives a tour of the “green” updates in the library. It should be ready by Earth Day.
- Trevor Oakley wrote that the greeter station volunteers donated 54 hours in March.
- Kali Nagler’s in person drumming program for Saratoga Bridges was well received.
- Reopening Status: discussed in Ike’s report
- Budget Vote & Trustee Election: The budget was approved on April 7th. Jean Fei and Nancy Luther were elected to the Board of Trustees for a 5 year term beginning July 1, 2022.
- Requests to Appoint:
Motion made by Frank Brady and second by Katie Capelli to appoint Katie Ranno, Librarian I (P/T) effective April 4, 2022 and appoint Christina Dady-Esposito, Computer Clerk (P/T) effective April 28, 2022. All in favor. Motion carries.
- Policy Review – Paid Time Off Credit vs. Accrual: discussed in length during Ike’s report
ADJOURNMENT: 5:55PM of the regular Board of Trustees meeting. Executive Session to follow to discuss a particular personnel matter.
Meeting Adjourned at 5:55 pm
Respectfully submitted by:
Susan Pettit, Administration Clerk