Library Board of Trustees Meeting Minutes

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Library Board of Trustees
Board Meeting
Monday, September 13, 2021

Frank Brady, Kathleen Capelli, Heather Crocker, Terence Diggory, Janet Lindner, Issac (Ike) Pulver, Eric Blackman, Catherine Brenner, Laura Clark, Jennifer Ferriss, Don Flinton, Jennifer Ogrodowski, Denise Feltes

Carol Daggs, Minita Sanghvi, Ric Taras

Meeting Called to Order at 5:05 PM

Approval of July 12, 2021 Organizational and Regular Meeting Minutes:

Terry Diggory made a motion to approve the organizational and regular meeting minutes of July 2021. Katie Capelli seconded. All in favor. Motion carried.

Approval of Expenditures:

Question regarding Civil Service check #69270 which is an annual per capita fee for being part of Civil Service for the jurisdiction of City of Saratoga Springs, Saratoga Springs City School District, and Saratoga Springs Public Library. SSCSD pays the bill and then bills us for our portion. Frank Brady motioned to approve the expenditures as reflected in the meeting agenda. Katie Capelli seconded. All in favor. Motion carried.

Approval of Financial Reports:

Discussion regarding high percentages for periodicals and professional services due to annual service contracts and annual subscriptions. Motion made by Janet Lindner, seconded by Terry Diggory to approve the Budget Report, the Income Report, and the Gifts in memory of Tom Kershner. All in favor. Motion carried.

President’s Report:

Welcome everyone to a new school year.

Public Comment:


Correspondence & Communication:

Plethora of cards sent with donations in memory of Tom Kershner.

“We the People of the Republic for the United States of America” sent a cease and desist letter to stop vaccinations and masking.

Director’s Report:

Re-opening Status: Due to the uptick in Covid 19 positivity rate and staffing challenges, a cautious approach to the re-opening of the library was reduced to Tuesday and Thursday evenings until 9PM rather than the typical 70-hour week. Vaccination mandates are being monitored. Safety protocols continue. Additional federal guidance is forth-coming on September 24th.

Human Resources Manager: Six applications have been received from the Saratoga Springs Civil Service Commission for the Human Resources position. Interviews will begin shortly. The position will be provisional pending the Civil Service Exam.

Librarian III – Head of Youth Services: Katie Capelli motioned to approve the appointment of Catherine Brenner, Librarian III, Head of Youth Services effective 9/5/2021. Heather Crocker seconded. All in favor. Motion carried.

HVAC Improvement Project: Frank Brady made a motion to award the HVAC Improvement Project contract to Di Gesare Mechanical, Inc. Katie Capelli seconded. All in favor. Motion carried.

Saratoga Reads: In line with our new Strategic Plan, the voting process has been modified to include public input. A short list of 3-5 titles created from staff nominations will be presented to the public with a voting period to follow.

Staff Development Day: Staff Development Day on September 24th will be held in-person but in smaller groups dispersed throughout the building. The day will include information and exercises about Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion; work plans for our new Strategic Plan; a flu shot clinic; Department Meetings; and a variety of wellness and team-building activities.

Department Reports: Jennifer Ferriss reported that last month had a huge increase in electronic resources being used; possibly due to families travelling again. There have been requests to bring the Outreach Van to community events, and The 6th Repair Café will be held on Saturday, September 18, from 1-3 pm at the Saratoga Springs Recreation Center on Vanderbilt Ave. Laura Clark highlighted Renee’s Adopt a Reading Buddy Program. Children got a stuffed dog to read to at home. Even though additional stuffed dogs were purchased, by mid-summer the program ended because we ran out of buddies. The two Stewart’s Holiday Match Story Teller programs were well attended and enjoyed. Jennifer Ogrodowski talked about the Animal Tracker Scavenger Hunt that had children and their families identifying 12 sets of animal footprints throughout the library. The public computers are increasing in demand requiring 1 or 2 people waiting for a short time for computers. An Outreach program with Jen and Trevor has been well received at Wesley, and Caitlin and Trevor offered a workshop to library staff on eBooks.

Special / Committee Reports:

No Committee Reports

Old Business:

Reopening status was addressed previously in Ike’s report.

Saratoga Book Festival: Draft included in board meeting packet of participants for the festival. Two keynote speakers, Joyce Carol Oates and Russell Banks, will be at the Saratoga Springs City Center with a combo charge of $20. All other events are free with registration required. The list of the 2022 Saratoga Reads nominees will be announced.

New Business:

Request to Appoint Catherine Brenner and award HRU Improvements contract were previously approved during Ike’s report.

2020-21 Auditor Engagement: Motion to engage Marvin & Co. as the library’s auditors made by Katie Capelli, seconded by Janet Lindner. All in favor. Motion carried.

Executive Session to Discuss Particular Personnel Matters

Meeting Adjourned at 6:00 pm

Respectfully submitted by:
Denise Feltes, Senior Account Clerk

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