Library Board of Trustees Meeting Minutes

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Library Board of Trustees
Board Meeting
Monday, February 10, 2020

Frank Brady, Steve Sheinkin, Minita Sanghvi, Kathleen Capelli, Janet Lindner, A. Issac (Ike) Pulver, Tara Chhabra, Dan Hubbs, Eric Blackman, Don Flinton, Jennifer Ferriss, Carmen R. Vasquez

Ric Taras, Jennifer Ogrodowski

Meeting Called to Order at 5:02 PM

Approval of Financial Reports:
Frank Brady motioned to approve the Prepaid Warrants / Check #’s 67528 – 67624 in the amount of $8,590.95 and to approve the February Warrants Check #'s 67625 – 67718 in the amount of $146,883.82, second by Minita Sanghvi, all in favor. Motion carried. Kathleen Capelli and Frank Brady made a motion to approve the January checks and the February Warrants, Budget Report and Income Report, second by Minita Sanghvi, all in favor. Motion carried.

President's Report:
Frank Brady asked if there were any questions regarding the Income Report submitted? Kathleen Capelli inquired about the loss of income from the Bread Basket closing. Ike Pulver stated that the Library has already received some inquires on the availability of that space. Frank suggested that at this time we keep all options open as to how best to utilize that space.

Correspondence and Communication:
None received

Director's Report:
Rob and Janet of Kimberly Bolan & Associates will be here for 3 days in March to meet with Library staff and community stakeholders. They will return again in May for the Library's annual staff meeting. In addition, there will also be a 6 hour retreat where information gathered from prior meetings will be explained and how that information can be implemented into Library services that will benefit and serve the community. Eric Blackman was welcomed as the Library's District Treasurer. Legal Notices for this year's annual Library Budget vote to be held on: April 23, 2020, have been submitted for Legal Publication in: The Saratogian and The Gazette. The Library has been chosen to receive the Outstanding Achievement in Transportation Award for its bike-related activities and its ongoing participation in Bike to Work Day. The award event will take place on: June 10, 2020 at The Cambria Hotel in White Plains, New York.

Special / Committee Reports:

Old Business:
Frank Brady reviewed the revised Strategic Plan contract then motioned to approve, second by Minita Sanghvi, all in favor. Motion carried. Frank Brady read Kathy Handy's commendation aloud and motioned to approve the resolution, all in favor. Motion carried.

New Business:
Eric Blackman was sworn in and given the Oath of Office as the Library's District Treasurer. Frank Brady motioned to approve the Library's 2019 Annual Report to the State. All in favor, motion carried.

Meeting Adjourned at 6:09 pm

Respectfully submitted by:
C.R. Vasquez, Sr. Account Clerk

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