49 Henry Street, Saratoga Springs, NY, 12866-3271
(518) 584-7860 • Fax: (518) 584-7866 • www.sspl.org
Library Board of Trustees
Board Meeting
Monday, May 10, 2021
Frank Brady, Janet Lindner, Heather Crocker, Katie Capelli, Minita Sanghvi, Terence Diggory, Tara Chhabra, Jennifer Ogrodowski, Jennifer Ferriss, Laura Clark, Don Flinton, Ike Pulver, Eric Blackman, Sue Pettit
Kristen Dart and Ric Taras
Meeting Called to Order at 5:08 PM
APPROVAL OF MEETING MINUTES: after a typo correction noted by Terence Diggory motion made by Katie Capelli and second by Minita Sanghvi to approve the meeting minutes for Monday, April 12, 2021.
APPROVAL OF EXPENDITURES: Motion made by Terence Diggory and second by Heather Crocker to approve reallocation of $15,000 from 60005-1 Salaries to 60045-1 Professional Services. All in favor. Motion carries.
Motion made by Minita Sanghvi and second by Katie Capelli to approve the April Pre-Paid Checks #68725-68726 and #68813-68814, totaling $1,126.16 and the May Warrants/Checks #68818-68902, totaling $414,870.33. All in favor. Motion carries.
APPROVAL OF FINANCIAL REPORTS: After a discussion of the income report, motion made by Katie Capelli and second by Terence Diggory to approve all financial reports which reflects the allocation to the budget just made and approved. All in favor. Motion carries.
Reopening Status:
- resumed 7-day service as of Sunday, May 2
- the Henry Street entrance opened on Monday, May 10
- limited indoor seating is available
- open meetings law extended through mid-May, is reviewed every 2 weeks.
The June Board meeting and Budget hearing will be via Zoom. Anticipating going forward, in person meetings will be held in the Dutcher Room since we have out-grown the Board Room. - notary and exam proctoring available by appointment only
- Strategic Planning: haven’t had an opportunity to discuss internally or follow up with the consultants, planning a high level draft meeting next week. Hope to have a plan in place by July 1, 2021.
- Budget Vote and Trustee Election: there are two trustee vacancies to be filled. Carol Daggs has returned her petition to run for a trustee candidate. The budget and trustee vote will be held on Thursday, June 17th, 2021 in the Community Room from 9AM-9PM. Sue Pettit was sworn in as Library District Clerk until the end of this fiscal year. Denise Feltes and she will work together on the election matters. Denise will assume this position’s responsibilities in the new year.
- Senior Account Clerk: completed interviews and Denise Feltes was selected to fill the position. She will start the week of May 17.
- Mechanical Improvements Project: Ric Taras met with the engineers for preliminary costs, but Ike and Ric haven’t had the opportunity to discuss with the architects. Hoping to wrap it all up by the end of the fiscal year, but is not likely.
- Parking Lot: waiting for a draft agreement from the City about the grant for the lighting and cameras so the final plan can be given to our attorney
An article in the Saratoga Today announced the City is going to put the 19 space parking lot on the corner of Caroline Street & Henry Street next to the library up for auction. The city feels there’s no longer a need for this lot since the new parking garage at the City Center is now in use. - Reminder for the SALS Annual Meeting: will be held on Monday, May 17th at 7PM via Webex
- Reminder for the Friends Annual Meeting: will be held on Monday, May 24th at 5PM via Zoom
JUNETEETH: Motion made by Frank Brady and second by Heather Crocker to treat Juneteenth 2021 as a non-working paid holiday for library employees and will revisit in the subsequent months. All in favor. Motion carries. Tara will amend the employee handbook and add to the list of non-working paid holidays for full time employees.
DEPARTMENT REPORTS: were discussed
Tara Chhabra’s report: formal request to appoint Denise Feltes as the Senior Account Clerk retroactive effective to May 2, 2021. Motion made by Frank Brady and second by Minita Sanghvi to appoint Denise Feltes as the Senior Account Clerk. All in favor. Motion carries.
Recruiting and interviews are starting for Cleaner, Building Maintenance Worker and Librarian III.
Motion made by Katie Capelli and second by Terence Diggory for approval to update specifications to Library Clerk position. Have not been updated since the 1990’s.
Motion made by Katie Capelli and second by Terence Diggory adding second request for approval of duty and special requirement language to those 10 specific positions as reflected in Tara’s report. All in favor. Motion carries.
- Reopening Status, 2021 Library Budget Vote and Trustee Election, Strategic Planning and Juneteenth: all discussed in Ike’s report and action taken for the Juneteenth holiday
- Position Specification Updates: see Tara Chhabra’s report
- SALS Annual Meeting and the Friends Annual Meeting: discussed in Ike’s report
Meeting Adjourned at 5:59 pm
Respectfully submitted by:
Susan Pettit, Recording Secretary