49 Henry Street, Saratoga Springs, NY, 12866-3271
(518) 584-7860 • Fax: (518) 584-7866 • www.sspl.org
Library Board of Trustees
Board Meeting
Monday, February 8, 2021
Kathleen Capelli, Heather Crocker, Janet Lindner, Minita Sanghvi, Kristen Dart, Frank Brady, Terence Diggory, Jennifer Ferriss, Laura Clark, Tara Chhabra, Jennifer Ogrodowski, Sue Pettit, Ike Pulver, Ric Taras, Eric Blackman, Don Flinton
Carmen Vasquez
Meeting Called to Order at 5:12 PM
Approval of Minutes: with small corrections for the dates of prepaids and warrants on the financial reports. Motion made by Kathleen Capelli, second by Heather Crocker to approve the Minutes of the January meeting. All in favor, motion carries.
Approval of Expenditures: Motion made by Minita Sanghvi and second by Kathleen Capelli to approve the January Pre-paid checks #68576-68577 totaling $1,126.16 and the February Warrants, checks #68578-68647 totaling $105,643.42. All in favor, motion carries.
Approval of Financial Reports: Income Statement: fees for printing, copies and fines are down due to the library closure. Motion made by Minita Sanghvi, second by Janet Lindner to approve the January Prepaids and February Warrant Summary Sheet, Budget Report and the Income Statement. All in favor. Motion carries.
President's Report: None
Public Comment: None
Correspondence and Communication: None
Director's Report:
- January had few to no members of the public in the library due to skyrocketing numbers in COVID cases. The numbers then went down quickly and last week the library went to contactless pickup. The process went smoother than last time thanks to Jennifer Ogrodowski and Jennifer Ferriss devising the protocols. Also, a special thanks to Brendon Kozlowski for the self-serve appointment system.
- Numbers have come down significantly now, allowing patrons to browse in the library and pick up holds. If there isn’t a Super Bowl spike, the library will reopen the public computers and Saratoga Room by appointment.
- The library will be open from 9-5PM on President's Day.
- Strategic planning focus groups wrapped up. The consultants have lots of data to go over. Two retreats are in the planning, for the 2nd and 4th week in March.
- There was a discussion about the budget and trustee vote. It usually takes place in April and now is uncertain about how it will be done this year. Last year, the library partnered with the school district budget vote due to the COVID virus. Ike has to find out more information and may need to reschedule the budget and trustee vote. A special meeting will be scheduled to discuss this more.
- Ike sees a zero growth in the budget, with the following changes: more resources will go to digital materials, a pay freeze across the board and an increase in utility costs.
- Zoom programs and meetings were separated in Statistics.
Department Reports: were read. In Tara’s report, she proposed adopting a policy giving Staff up to two paid hours leave for the COVID vaccination. A lengthy discussion followed about the amount of leave to give. Motion made by Minita Sanghvi to adopt the proposed policy with the change giving Staff up to four paid hours leave instead of up to two paid hours leave for the COVID vaccination. Second by Frank Brady with change as suggested to give Staff up to four paid hours leave instead of up to two hours leave as is currently in the materials before us. All in favor. Motion carries to adopt the policy giving Staff up to four paid hours of leave for the COVID vaccination.
Special/Committees Reports: None
Old Business: Discussed in Ike's report
New Business: Discussed in Ike's report
Board will meet after adjournment of the regular meeting in an Executive session to discuss a particular personnel matter.
Meeting Adjourned at 6:06 pm
Respectfully submitted by:
Susan Pettit, Administration Clerk