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Library Board of Trustees
Regular Meeting of the Board of Trustees and Executive Session
Monday, February 10, 2025
Kathleen Capelli, Frank Brady, Heather Crocker, Carol Daggs, Terence Diggory, Nancy Luther, Issac (Ike) Pulver , Tonya Faiola, Trevor Oakley, Jamie Chabot, Jennifer Ferriss, Catherine Brenner
Jean Fei, Kelly Mccombs
Meeting Called to Order at 5:00 PM
I. Call to Order at 5:00pm
II. Approval of January Regular Meeting and Executive Session Minutes–Action Required – Terry motioned to approve; Carol seconded. Motion approved.
III. Approval of Expenditures– Action Required (See Exhibit I)
Prepaid Checks 73119-73124 Totaling $7,154.04
February Warrants/Checks 73125 - 73208 Totaling $ 147,878.35
Supplemental Warrants/Checks 73209 - 73210 Totaling $771.68
Frank motioned to approve; Nancy seconded. Motion approved.
IV. Approval of Financial Reports – Action Required
Prepaid Checks Report and February Warrant Summary Sheet (Exhibit I)
Budget Report - (Exhibit II)
Income Report - (Exhibit III)
$50 from Deirdre Ladd
$50 from Carol Reynolds in Memory of Lynne Herrick Black
Carol motioned to approve with correction to the Income report; Frank seconded. Motion approved.
V. President’s Report – Katie discussed a new campaign from the American Library Association and the potential impact of federal funding changes on other libraries
VI. Public Comment-N/A
VII. Correspondence and Communication – Katie received communication from a library graduate student looking to collect feedback from board members that work directly with library administration offices to see what their relationship between the two department.
VIII. Director’s Report
Director’s Written Report (Exhibit IV) - In addition to his written report, Ike discussed bids were received for the elevator upgrade project and that we received a letter from Butler Rowland Mays Architects recommending acceptance of the Plank Construction Services bid. Also, we were notified that a multiyear deal had been reached between the library's local hospitals and CDPHP.
Department Reports (Exhibit V) -
Don (IT Dept) - In addition to his written report, Don discussed that we are in the process of replacing older computers.
Ric (Operations Dept) - In addition to his written report, Ric discussed the challenges of short staffing and snow removal, and the need for a pay scale adjustment. The board was updated and will be discussed at a future meeting.
IX. Special / Committee Reports
Strategic Planning Committee- has not met since the survey went out, but the survey is complete.
Branch Expansion Exploration Committee
Resolution of Support to Continue Exploration – Action Requested - Board members decided to review the Google Doc containing information about the potential branch library expansion and prepare questions for the March meeting.
X. Unfinished Business
Land Sale - will be discussed in executive session
Independent Auditor’s Report (Exhibit VII)- Katie reviewed the audit draft and the financial statement, noting a positive net position.
XI. New Business
New York State Report – Action Required (Exhibit VII) - Frank motioned to approve, Nancy seconded. Motion approved.
Elevator Bid Acceptance Recommendation – Action Required (Exhibit VIII)- Heather motioned to approve, Carol seconded. Motion approved.
Risk Management Exercises (Exhibit IX) - Katie discussed with the Board members to familiarize themselves with the risk management information from Cole Adams.
XII. Adjourned at 6:14 PM to Executive Session to Discuss Two Particular Legal Matters
Respectfully submitted: Tonya Faiola, Senior Account Clerk
XIII. Executive Session
A. Present: Kathleen Capelli, Frank Brady, Heather Crocker, Carol Daggs, Terence Diggory, Nancy Luther, Issac (Ike) Pulver
B. Call to order 6:18 PM
C. Two particular legal matters were discussed.
D. Executive Session Adjourned 7:10 PM
XIV. Regular meeting reconvened.
A. Katie moved that the Board approve rental to the Friends of the Library of both the Coffeeshop and Bookshop at a combined total of $750 per month through June 30, 2025; and that the Friends be required to submit by May 15 a letter of intent regarding rental of both spaces beginning July 1, for which the Board proposes a rate of $1000 per month.
Heather seconded. Motion approved.
B. Heather moved to authorize Katie to continue to represent the Board in negotiations regarding sale of Library property to the owners of Wild Horse restaurant (buyer); and that deadlines previously offered be extended to April 15 and April 30, 2025; and that proposed renovations (fill in stairway and fence extension) be completed by buyer by May 15, 2025.
Carol seconded. Motion approved.
XIV. Regular meeting adjourned 7:14 PM
Respectfully submitted: Terence Diggory, Board Secretary
Meeting Adjourned at 7:10 pm
Respectfully submitted by:
Tonya Faiola, Senior Account Clerk