Library Board of Trustees Meeting Minutes

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Library Board of Trustees
Regular Meeting of the Board of Trustees and Executive Session
Monday, January 13, 2025

Kathleen Capelli, Frank Brady, Heather Crocker, Carol Daggs, Terence Diggory, Jean Fei, Nancy Luther, Issac (Ike) Pulver, Tonya Faiola, Trevor Oakley, Jennifer Ferriss, Catherine Brenner, Kelly Mccombs, Ric Taras, Jamie Chabot

Catherine Brenner, Eric Blackman

Meeting Called to Order at 5:00 PM

I. Call to Order at 5:00pm

II. Approval of December Regular Meeting Minutes–Action Required

Nancy motioned to approve with change to add Heather to executive session; Heather seconded. Motion approved.

III. Approval of Expenditures– Action Required (See Exhibit I)

  1. Prepaid Checks # 73022-73028 Totaling $ 7,051.38

  1. January Warrants/Checks #73029-72118 Totaling $178,822.70

Carol motioned to approve; Heather seconded. Motion approved.

IV. Approval of Financial Reports – Action Required

  1. Prepaid Checks Report and January Warrant Summary Sheet (Exhibit I)

  1. Budget Report - (Exhibit II)

  1. Income Report - (Exhibit III)

Heather motioned to approve; Carol seconded. Motion approved.

V. President’s Report – Katie discussed the date of the land sale might need to be modified again because we are waiting for a response from attorneys.

VI. Public Comment – N/A

VII. Correspondence and Communication – N/A

VIII. Director’s Report

  1. Director’s Written Report (Exhibit IV) - In addition to his written report, Ike discussed the Invitation to Bid on the elevator project is now out. It appeared today in the Saratogian and the Gazette, and will appear there for the next two Tuesdays, before the bid opening.

  1. Department Reports (Exhibit V) -

Jen (Assistant Director) - In addition to her written report, Jen discussed The Community Survey has been distributed and we are getting a good response from patrons.

Don (IT department) - In addition to his written report, Don discussed the total people count we were up 6.59% increase over last year. Also, they are working on a project to launch tablet style displays for meeting rooms.

Trevor (Access and Outreach) - In addition to his written report, Trevor discussed that the staff at the Circulation Desk has been tracking the frequency and type of patron interactions they are having at their workstations between the hours of 5-9pm. They show a downward trend that generally occurs between 6:30 and 9 pm.

Jamie (Adult Services) - In addition to her written report, Jamie discussed Read to Recovery received a $1,000 donation for Read to Recovery from Ken and Maureen Provost, organizers of the Annual Dan Provost Memorial Walk.

Kelly (Human Resources dept) - In addition to her written report, Kelly discussed the Paid Prenatal Leave program. She asked us to add this to our leave program for employees.

Katie motioned to approve; Heather seconded. Motion approved.

Ric (Operations dept) - In addition to his written report, Ric discussed that with the help of Bearcom [Radio communications] we were able to complete our application for an FCC License renewal.

IX. Special / Committee Reports

  1. Strategic Planning Committee (Exhibit VI – Survey) - Katie discussed they are waiting for results of survey to update.

  1. Branch Expansion Exploration Committee – Katie discussed they are also waiting for results of survey to update.

X. Unfinished Business

A. Land Appraisal/Sale - Discussed in President's report.

XI. New Business

  1. Proposed change to September Staff Development Date from September 19 to September 26, 2025 – Action Required

Katie motioned to approve; Jean seconded. Motion approved.

  1. FY25-26 Budget Vote and Trustee Election Calendar (Exhibit VII)

  1. Elevator Project Invitation to Bid/Bid Opening

XII. Adjourned at 5:35 PM to Executive Session to Discuss Two Particular Personnel Matters

Respectfully submitted: Tonya Faiola, Senior Account Clerk

XIII. Executive Session

A. Present: Kathleen Capelli, Frank Brady, Heather Crocker, Carol Daggs, Terence Diggory, Jean Fei, Nancy Luther, Issac (Ike) Pulver, Kelly McCombs

B. Call to order 5:39 PM

C. Two particular personnel matters were discussed.

D. Executive Session Adjourned 5:51 PM

XIV. Regular meeting reconvened.

Katie moved that the Board approve leaves of absence for the following staff members:

1. Latoya Massie, to January 24, 2025.

2. Raymond Michaud, to April 10, 2025.

Carol seconded. All in favor. Motion approved.

XIV. Regular meeting adjourned 5:53 PM

Respectfully submitted: Terence Diggory, Board Secretary

Meeting Adjourned at 5:53 pm

Respectfully submitted by:
Tonya Faiola, Senior Account Clerk

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