Library Board of Trustees Meeting Minutes

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Library Board of Trustees
Organizational and Regular Meetings of the Board of Trustees
Monday, July 8, 2024

Eric Blackman, Frank Brady, Catherine Brenner, Kathleen Capelli, Heather Crocker, Carol Daggs, Terry Diggory, Jennifer Ferriss, Don Flinton, Nancy Luther, Kelly McCombs, Issac (Ike) Pulver, Ric Taras

Jean Fei, Tevor Oakley, Jamie Chabot

Meeting Called to Order at 5:00 PM

Organizational Meeting Agenda, July 8, 2024

Call to order - 5:00 PM

I. Election of Officers – Action Required

A. President- Frank motioned for Katie Capelli to be elected, Heather seconded. Katie abstained from voting for this position. Motion Approved.

B. Vice President- Terry motioned for Heather Crocker to be elected, Frank seconded. Motion Approved.

C. Secretary- Nancy motioned for Terry Diggory to be elected, Frank Seconded. Motion Approved.

II. Annual Trustee Code of Ethics and Conflict of Interest Policy Attestation and

Statement – Trustees reviewed the statement and signed

III. Meeting and Holiday Schedule for FY 2024-25 and CY 2025 – Action Required –

Katie motioned for the April board meeting to be changed from the 7th and 10th to the 21st and the 24th, Carol seconded. Katie motioned for the approval of the changed schedule, Carol seconded. Motion Approved.

Adjournment - 5:12pm

Regular Meeting Agenda, July 8, 2024

I. Call to Order – 5:12 PM

II. Approval of June Meeting Minutes–Action Required – Heather motioned to approve the June meeting minutes, Nancy seconded.

III. Approval of Expenditures– Action Required (See Exhibit I)

A. Requests for reallocation:

1. $6,000 from 60005-1 Salaries to 60060-1 Program Expenses

2. $100 from 60035-1 Repairs and Maintenance to 60080-1 Heat/Gas

3. $400 from 60035-1 Repairs and Maintenance to 60081-1 Electric

Frank motioned to approve the reallocation of funds, Terry seconded. Motion Approved.

B. June Prepaid Checks 72339-72341 totaling $3,600.72

C. July Warrants/Checks 72343-72442, 72552 & 72555 totaling $ 250,343.67

D. Supplemental July Warrants/Check 72556-72560 totaling $ 13,161.38

Heather motioned to approve expenditures, Nancy seconded. Motion Approved.

IV. Approval of Financial Reports – Action Required

A. June Prepaid checks and July Warrant Summary Sheet (Exhibit I)

B. Budget Report - (Exhibit II)

C. Income Report - (Exhibit III)

Terry motioned for approval of financial reports, Heather seconded. Motion Approved.

V. President’s Report – N/A

VI. Public Comment – N/A

VII. Correspondence and Communication – N/A

VIII. Director’s Report

A. Director’s Written Report (Exhibit IV) – Ike discussed that there has been roughly 2,500 parking permits registered so far. He give his praise and gratitude to all the staff at the circulation desk for taking on this task.

B. Department Reports (Exhibit VI) – Don (IT Dept.) – In addition to his written report, He discussed his excitement for the highest door count since February 2020 with everyone coming in to get parking permits.

Catherine (youth services) – In addition to her written report, She discussed promoting summer reading was a success and they have an influx of sign-ups for this year.

Ric (operations) - In addition to his written report, He discussed the children’s story room is almost complete.

Kelly (Human Resources) – In addition to her written report, She discussed that she is busy with the end of fiscal year and updating the new rates and pay rates.

IX. Special / Committee Reports – N/A

X. Unfinished Business – N/A

XI. New Business

A. NYSED DLD Construction Grant Application – Action required – Heather motions to approve the grant application, Terry seconded. Motion Approved.

B. Security Camera MOU with City of Saratoga Springs – Action Required –Frank motioned to authorize Katie to act on behalf of the Board if a satisfactory MOU was presented for approval. Heather seconded. Motion Approved

C. Exploration of a Potential Library Branch Location – Nancy motioned to set up a committee to explore the possibility of establishing a branch location, Carol seconded. Motion Approved.

XII: Adjournment – 6:08pm

Meeting Adjourned at 6:08 pm

Respectfully submitted by:
Tonya Faiola, Senior Account Clerk

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