Library Board of Trustees Meeting Minutes

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Library Board of Trustees
Regular Meeting of the Board of Trustees
Monday, June 10, 2024

Eric Blackman, Frank Brady, Catherine Brenner, Kathleen Capelli, Heather Crocker, Carol Daggs, Terry Diggory, Jean Fei, Jennifer Ferriss, Don Flinton, Nancy Luther, Kelly McCombs, Trevor Oakley, Issac (Ike) Pulver, Ric Taras

Jamie Chabot, Tonya Faiola

Meeting Called to Order at 5:00 PM

Guest: Sara Dallas, Director, Southern Adirondack Library System (SALS)

I. Call to Order -- Katie called the meeting to order at 5:02 PM.

II. Approval of May Meeting Minutes – Heather moved to approve; Terry seconded. Minutes approved.

III. Approval of Expenditures (See Exhibit I) –

A. May Prepaid checks #72253-72255 totaling $3,600.72

B. June Warrants/Checks #72256-72341 totaling $173,614.91

Carol moved to approve; Nancy seconded. Expenditures approved

IV. Approval of Financial Reports –

A. May Pre-Paids and June Warrant Summary Sheet (Exhibit I)

B. Budget Report - (Exhibit II)

C. Income Report - (Exhibit III)

Terry moved to approve; Heather seconded. Financial reports approved.

V. New Business – This item was moved up in the agenda as a courtesy to our guest.

Report from Sara Dallas, Director, Southern Adirondack Library System

Review of SALS Strategic Plan 2022-2026 (available at SALS website:

SALS serves libraries in Hamilton, Saratoga, Warren and Washington Counties.

Member libraries identified essential services to which SALS recommits for the next five years:

Joint Automation/ Polaris

Reliable delivery

Support from SALS consultants

Sharing E-Resources (supported by Saratoga County grant)

Collaboration with Mohawk Valley Library System (MVLS)

Annual evaluation indicates 99% satisfaction rating.

Review Vision and Mission statements.

Joint Automation (JA) fee will increase 3.5% from 2023 base,

At least two hours of training required of Trustees annually. Trustee Handbook training highly recommended. Niche Academy and other resources listed at SALS website.

Recommended memberships (institutional and individual): New York Library Association (NYLA); United for Libraries—American Library Association (ALA); United Against Book Bans.

Construction grant application deadline August 31. Must be a new project.

Continued advocacy is vital.


Schenectady withdrawing form MVLS and JA/Polaris? Decision not yet final. Subcommittees are looking at possible improvements that may benefit all (Don Flinton is on IT subcommittee). Sara does not foresee big budget impact if Schenectady withdraws.

Rural vs. urban/suburban libraries? Though some rural areas lack broadband, for the most part internet enables rural libraries to offer the same services as in other areas, though to fewer people. Book banning and program objections do not threaten rural libraries only; recent cases in Lake Luzerne and Bethlehem. Ike is skillful in defusing potential challenges; Board needs to back him up, be prepared to implement policies in place.

VI. President’s Report

Thanks to staff for their patience in working through parking registration. Along with Ike and Jen, Katie attended the Rotary Gala where a $50K check was presented to the library; Ike was honored separately for his work with Rotary. Katie reminded Trustees of the requirement for two hours of training annually; she highlighted the Trustee Handbook Book Club June 18 (you get a recording if you register, so you don’t need to attend at the time of presentation); Board Revolution, WebJunction, June 13; June 26, Managing Effective Library Boards; Creative Survey Design presented June 5 (recording available). Anti-harassment training can probably count.

VII. Public Comment – none

VIII. Correspondence and Communication – Letter from the law firm of Miller, Mannix, Schachner & Hafner, LLC, representing the Estate of Marilynn H. Peterson: library can expect to receive a bequest of about $5K once the Estate is settled.

IX. Director’s Report

A. Director’s Written Report (Exhibit IV)

Patrons have been positive and patient about the new parking registration system. Flyers have been placed on cars in the library lot (when weather permits), giving notice about the new system. Enforcement has not started (Heather says will probably start after June 18). There are 3 permits: library lots; city lots; downtown employees (for any city lot; employer handles registration, as Kelly did for library staff). As a correction to his written report, Ike noted that the solar powered electronic device charging bench is scheduled for installation on June 17.

B. Department Reports (Exhibit V)

Jen (Assistant Director) urged everyone to visit the library garden at Pitney Meadows Community Farm.

Don (IT) emphasized that participation in SALS JA makes his job easier.

Trevor (Access and Outreach)—There has been a steady flow of parking applications; staff had to pivot quickly at early stage of implementation; good performance by all. Sometimes have to say no. Special attention required for exceptions granted to Friends membership categories Ex Libris, Editor or Publisher.

Catherine (Youth Services)—In between story-time season and summer programs, an opportunity for rehab in Crawshaw Story Room, thanks to Ric and the Operations team. Summer Reading on the theme of Adventure is being promoted through school visits and a special video. A goal for the season is to get more people to actively participate.

Jamie (Adult Services)-- Written report only. Ike noted that the Read to Recovery launch event was extraordinary for bringing together representatives of many different viewpoints in the service of a common cause.

Ric (Operations)—The presence of open parking spaces demonstrates that new parking regulations are already having an effect. Crawshaw Story Room rehab is being done “in house” to minimize cost. Preparing for fire marshal visit.

Kelly (Human Resources)—no report

X. Special / Committee Reports – none

XI. Unfinished Business -- none

XII. Adjournment-- Katie adjourned the meeting at 6:03 PM.

Board members remained in attendance for the Annual Retreat.

Meeting Adjourned at 6:03 pm

Respectfully submitted by:
Terry Diggory, Board Secretary

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