Purpose: It is the goal of the Board of Trustees to purchase supplies and contracted services at the lowest price consistent with the quality and standards needed as determined by the Library Director or his or her designee. Opportunities shall be provided to all responsible vendors to do business with the Library. Competitive bidding or quotations will be solicited as required by law, without prejudice or favoritism. Vendors whose place of business is located within the library’s service area may be given preferential consideration only when bids or quotations on an item or service are identical as to price, quality, and other factors.
Responsibility for Purchasing: The Library Director is responsible for purchasing goods and services within the budget guidelines adopted by the Board of Trustees.
Reporting: Invoices will be reviewed monthly by the board president or treasurer. A warrant sheet and budget report detailing expenditures will be provided to each board member monthly.
Acquisition Procedure
The library director is authorized to spend up to $10,000 at his or her discretion, acting within the budget limitations established by the board.
When purchases of materials, equipment or supplies, in excess of $10,000 and less than $20,000 are made, at least three estimates are required when possible.
When public work contracts in excess of $10,000 and less than $35,000 are made, at least three estimates are required when possible.
As required by General Municipal Law, an advertised bid process is required for purchases of materials, equipment, or supplies in excess of $20,000.
As required by General Municipal Law, an advertised bid process is required for public work contracts in excess of $35,000.
Whenever possible and advantageous, purchasing shall be done through the Southern Adirondack Library System and/or the State Contracts published by the New York State Comptroller’s Office. No estimates or bidding is required if a valid State Contract exists and is used for the materials or services purchased.
No bid for materials, equipment, and supplies shall be accepted that does not conform to specifications furnished unless specifications are waived by Board action. Unless there is compelling and substantially justifiable reason to do otherwise, all contracts shall be awarded to the lowest responsible bidder who meets specifications. Notwithstanding this provision, the Board may choose to reject any bid for reason.
The unintentional failure to fully comply with the provisions of General Municipal Law, Section 104-B, shall not be grounds to void the action taken or give rise to a cause of action against the Saratoga Springs Public Library or any officer or employee thereof.
The Board authorizes the Director (or designee) to purchase without bidding or securing alternative proposals or quotations for emergencies where time is a crucial factor.
When needed, the Board of Trustees will review and update this policy and procedure.