Friends Coffee Shop

About the Friends Coffee Shop
The Friends Coffee Shop, located on the first floor of the Saratoga Springs Public Library, sells drinks and snacks for library patrons. The Shop is run by the Friends and all profits are generously donated back to the library. Holding a meeting at the library? Inquire about catering!
Features of this Location / Special Features
- Friendly Book Shop Volunteer Staff
- Great prices
- Unique items
- Items to cover most interests
- A cozy space to find a permanent addition to your personal collection
Hours of Availability
Friends Coffee Shop hours are subject to change based on staffing, inventory needs, and other factors. Please see the Friends’ website for further details.
Day of the Week | Open | Close |
Where to Find this Location
The coffee shop is on the main floor of the library. From the parking lot (Putnam Street) side of the library, turn right and head toward the end of the building, keeping to the far right wall. From the main (Henry Street) entrance, head straight toward the other side of the building, go to the other side of the wall behind the Information Desk and turn left and head to the end of the hallway. Beyond the doors to the Dutcher Community Room, but before reaching the emergency exit and public restrooms is the entrance to the coffee shop.